Celebrate Random Act’s of Kindness Day Today!

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Ghandi 

By: Jodi Cross


The month of February is notorious for Valentine’s Day and celebrating love. What better way to spread the love than by committing random acts of kindness. My husband knows I love celebrating every holiday. Even on Ground Hogs Day, I have been known to blurt out “Happy Ground Hogs Day, where’s my card,” as I hand him one. As I was preparing for this column, I stumbled upon the unofficial holiday called Random Acts of Kindness Day, known as RAK Day, and celebrated on February 17th.

No one knows for sure where RAK Day began but the roots can be traced back to New Zealand in 2005. The RAK Foundation promotes the mission to do something extra special for another person without expecting any payment in return. It makes sense that this little known holiday would be celebrated in February when our hearts are more open to love. The concept starts by practicing altruism. By taking the focus off ourselves, we start to think of other’s needs more readily.

Opportunities to carry out random acts of kindness are all around us. Start by observing neighbors, friends or total strangers as you go about your day.  Consider one small act that might brighten their day. Compliment a stranger, volunteer to babysit or mentor someone.  Random acts of kindness are something both the giver and the receiver will feel good about.

Remember the movie Pay It Forward staring Helen Hunt and Haley Joel Osment?  The premise of the movie was based on a homework assignment to change the world for the better. Osment devises a plan to set up a network of good deeds. Each person has to do a favor for someone and in turn that person is expected to do a favor for three other people. I loved that movie and the concept of performing random act of kindness for strangers.

If you believe in the philosophy of “what comes around goes around,” practicing altruism brings about positive energy and sets an example for others that the world is full of kindness and generosity.  Here is my challenge to you; make it your mission to surprise and delight someone this month with a random act of kindness; I would love to hear what creative gestures you come up with. Try to impact as many people as possible. You may be just one person but your gestures can impact many.  

Send me an email to jcross@crossnm.com and tell me your story.